One of the first games I got with my Speccy and although admittedly not a patch on the C64 version, still a great game.

Ah, back when golf games were simple and fun...again best played against a fellow human - preferably competitive Dad!
058.Unreal Tournament (PC)
I still enjoy a dab of the original UT every now and then. Any chance to use that sniper rifle...
057.Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Xbox) NEW ENTRY
Chilling, strange and atmospheric, Dark Corners is a macabre combination of horror and a 1920's detective story. A fascinating and intriguing game.

Weird Japanese-influenced robot platform-y type shooter that saw a lot of time in my MD.
055.The Terminator (MegaCD)
A supremely superior version of the Megadrive original. The mini cut-scenes aren't upto much, but the cleaner graphics, gameplay and vastly improved music make it a must.
054.Warcraft (PC)
053.Cybernoid (Spectrum) NEW ENTRY
Raf Cecco's finest hour in my view. Tough, but rewarding, and plenty of shooting action.
052.Curse of Monkey Island (PC)
I know it's not fashionable to like this 3rd instalmant, but I fell in love with the cartoony graphics, even if the humour wasn't quite as sharp as in the first two games.

Nowadays the MOH games are yawnsome in their regularity, but back in 1999 this was quite an event and Call of Duty was a distinct second place.
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